The TV anime “The Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!!“ is set to premiere in April 2025. Produced by J.C.STAFF, the series features Kikunosuke Toya as the protagonist, Yu Natsume, and Sayumi Suzushiro as the...
To mark the conclusion of the second season of the TV anime Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions by Akira Amano, which is currently unfolding the final case, “The Case of the Plateau Auberge...
The key visual, opening theme, and main promotional video for the TV anime Medalist, based on TSURUMAIKADA‘s original work, have been unveiled. The anime is set to debut on Disney+ in...
A teaser visual and special report for ME & ROBOCO, directed by Shuhei Miyazaki, have been unveiled. The theatrical release is scheduled for April 18, 2025, in Japan.
Teaser Trailer:
Teaser Visual:
Akitaro Daichi...